Science and technology activities

Based on the Vision, Mission and Development Strategy of VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the university has determined the development of science and technology in the following directions:

1. Concentrated investment, integrating training and scientific research: concentrating all resources (people, facilities, equipment and financial resources) to develop a number of spearhead domains, priority research directions to reach international level soon. Through practical implementation, it is shown that at present, some research directions of the university have compared regional level, asymptotic with international level.2. Engineering & Technology Orientation meets international standards: engineering and technology orientation is clearly shown in all activities of the school. The English name of the school (VNU University of Engineering and Technology) also shows the school’s high determination with this orientation. This is the strength of the VNU-UET, creating a unique and favorable condition for the university to carry out research and development activities of high-tech products.3. Orientations for prioritizing interdisciplinary scientific and technological activities: linking sectors in the field of science and technology in order to solve big and complex problems is an inevitable trend in the world.

4. Orientation of output products – Prioritizing core technology development: With its role and mission, one of the criteria set by the school in scientific and technological activities is the output product. Whereby: – The research of the VNU-UET must aim to create high-quality products, expressed through inventions, useful solutions related to core technologies. – The deployment follows the practical application, solve major problems in the socio-economy, industry, security – defense … to ensure product competitiveness based on mastering core technology.

5. University – Research Institute – Business Associations are a vital element in science and technology activities: besides the university – research institutes’ joint activities, which began in 2009, in the past years, the University of Engineering and Technology has actively promoted and implemented many cooperative activities with domestic and foreign enterprises, gaining many important results.
 With the above-mentioned orientations, in 2017, the school has achieved certain achievements: 250 scientific articles (including 65 ISI / SCOPUS magazine articles); scientific research projects / tasks attracted more than VND 40 billion. The University is recognized by VNU to add 01 strong research group, 02 potential research groups and has built the Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology to focus resources and develop interdisciplinary research directions.


  • Computer sciences: logic and formal methods, algorithms, parallel processing; natural language processing (NLP), database & information systems, information security, data mining & KDD, human-machine interface (HMI), 3D graphics and application, data science, big-data, artificial intelligent (AI).
  • Sortware engineering: software verification, software cost estimation, embedded software and systems.
  • Computer networking and communication: software-defined radio (SDR), cognitive radio (CR), optical communication systems, advanced digital transmission systems (ATM+IP, MPLS, CDMA), voice digital modulation and processing, speed processing.
  • Electronics and computer engineering: VLSI (ASIC/FPGA) circuits and systems design, hardware accelerator for AI, IoT, computer architectures, microprocessors in control and measurement, embedded system, bio-information and image processing, automation and robotics, electromagnetics & microware emgineering, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), microsystems.
  • Nano technology: Nano-structured semiconductor materials and devices, nano-structured magnetic material and devices, photonics and photonic materials, modeling and simulation of electronic material & devices, photonics and photonics material, multiferroics for infornation storage.
  • Engineering Mechanics: mechatronics, engineering mechanics of merine structures, industrial & environmental Fluid-Gas mechanics, technical instrument diagnostics…
  • Aerospace engineering: software and hardware development for aerospace, satellite, aerospace electronics, space communications…
  • Agriculture technology: smart sensors, IoT systems for agriculture, genome technologies (genomics, proteomics), bio-informatics, bio-electronics, nano-biotechnology…

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