High-tech Electronic Communications Technology

The program aims to train technical majors in the field of Electronics and Communications Technology (ICT) with a strong background in related sciences and technologies, capable of contributing to society through creativity, business and leadership.

Detail goal:

Developing the knowledge and skills needed for future careers in the industry;

Develop understanding and ability to apply basic sciences, mathematics, electrical sciences and informatics to the reality of the industry;

Provides an environment that helps prepare students for a variety of career paths and is able to learn for the rest of their life;

Make students understand the interaction between the industry and society, business, technology, and the environment;

Make students aware of their contributions to national development and the global economy.

View the detailed program framework at: 3538.qd_CTĐT Đại học 2015_Công nghệ kỹ thuật điện tử truyền thông CQT

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